Thursday, January 3, 2013

Pure Madness

Today I took the girls ice skating again. I was really looking forward to it, and I wish I could say that I had fun, but they really drove me crazy. Instead of enjoying our time together, they kept nagging me every 5 minutes about something else.

I want hot chocolate...
No, I don't want hot chocolate...
I want water...
I am HUNGRY. I am SO HUNGRY (nevermind that we ate like an hour ago)
I am REALLY thirsty (nevermind that I just drank like 5 minutes ago)
I want to take a break (nevermind that we just came back from another break)
No, I really don't need a break. I am going to skate
I need water again, I didn't drink enough last time
I want to take my gloves off, my hands are hot
I don't want my hat. It is not that cold out (even though it is probably below freezing right now)


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