Saturday, September 21, 2013

Flying high

Earlier this week I got to travel on the corporate plane, a treat not many regular people like me get to experience. So I was really looking forward to the opportunity, and the experience definitely did not disappoint. We only got to do it because somebody pretty high up in the company was coming on a recruiting trip with us, who by the way was very nice to all of us. You would think people like that live in their own little world but truly, at the core of it all, they are just like the rest of us. People may normally just see him as the high ranking executive who always gets to call the shots at work, but I got to see a different - more human - side. I got to see a dad who is proud of his daughter as she moves to a new city and starts her own career, but one who is also sad that she is leaving him behind. What parent, regardless of the age of their children, can't relate to that?

This trip was such a great and unique opportunity, that I truly believe just thinking about it put a smile on my face the entire week. It may never happen again, but getting to do it at least once was super sweet!
On our way there...
On our way back...

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