Sunday, September 1, 2013

Here comes September

Today was a pretty full day. I ran the 8 miles I was supposed to run, my dad came to visit for a little while, and after finally taking a shower I painted Sofia's nails - per her request - and sat down to play dollhouse with her and Bella. By then, I was already losing my patience with them because they simply do not give me a break. The ask me for something every 2 minutes, and even when I am doing what they want me to do, they still continue asking me for stuff, and telling me the 5 things they want me to do for them, one after the next. So I was already pretty stressed with all their demands when I told them I was going to get up and make lunch. By then, Sofia had the nerve to tell me: "You didn't even play with us. All you did was brush the doll's hair". I was super mad at her, because apparently, even after making the effort to do thing after thing for them, I still managed to disappoint them. It is also worth mentioning that while the kids were bossing me around, Lionel was watching soccer [two complete matches!] completely uninterrupted.

After lunch, I took them out of the house as soon as I could before they continued to drive me crazy. We made a play date with Marian and her girls and went to Juilf's park. Lionel then met us there. Unexpectedly, that ended up being the most relaxing part of the day. We were standing in the shade, under a big tree, when I remembered that in the car I had one of those picnic blankets. So I went and got it, and instead of standing there while the kids played, we were able to sit down, enjoy the shade, and catch up for a little while. At some point, I was even able to put my head down. I can honestly say that I don't remember the last time I sat down under the shade of a big tree, so those moments certainly felt like a treat.

After the park, Lionel, the girls and I went to check out a new gelato place. After dropping Bella and Lionel off at home, Sofia and I went to buy new tennis balls and to Jungle Jim's to buy prosciutto and a few other things. By the time we came back it was time to make dinner, eat, give the girls a shower, and put them to bed. But before they did, they drove me a little bit crazier and, instead of enjoying my last few minutes of the day with them, I ended up putting Bella in timeout and walking out on them. Not the best end to my day.

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