Saturday, September 14, 2013

Kings Island 2013

Today we went to the company's annual Kings Island weekend. As usual, Lionel complained about waiting in line to get the free product we get once a year, but as usual, I insisted on getting it because a) It is fun to see what is in there and b) With my hard work I have certainly earned every single item.

I am not a big amusement park fan, as the roller coasters are more torture than anything for me, but we mainly do it for the girls. Of course, sometimes you wonder why you even bother because the girls were not in the best behavior, and by the time we left the park I was quite tired and annoyed with them. Bella kept not listening, and Sofia would complain when she played a game and we didn't let her win. Lionel told her she was a sore loser (an expression of course) but all she heard was "loser" and started to whine even more. So something that was meant to be fun often became the source of unnecessary conflict.

The highlight of the trip was "Lovey", the cute round stuff animal I asked Lionel to buy for me because a) It is a French Poodle [get it? French!] and b) After dealing with all that whining I certainly deserved a little treat. The name "Lovey" was not my doing. It was already written in the tag, along with what supposedly is its birthday (weird!). Of course later in the evening poor Lovey became the girl's obsession [mainly Sofia], and when they were not fighting for it, they kept giving me an update every two seconds about what Lovey was doing at the time. Lovey was playing with the other stuff animals. Lovey was reading a book. Lovey was getting ready to go to bed. The lack of silence was simply exhausting!

After Kings Island we stopped by Costco to get some food for the week, and on the way home the whining finally stopped ... because the girls fell asleep. By then I seriously needed to decompress. So even though I had already been walking around for hours, and my long run for the week was not due until tomorrow morning, I decided to do it tonight. The weather was perfect for it, and even though my legs were tired, my blood pressure certainly thanked me for it.

Now everybody is asleep, which is why I am enjoying a few minutes alone - just me and my thoughts. It is really late, and I should probably be in bed by now, but it is just so difficult to give up my quiet time.

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