Friday, September 6, 2013

My day today ... as told by my Facebook status

At around 9:30am
"I enjoyed walking the girls to school this morning, something we can only do on Fridays, when I am working from home"

At around 12:15pm
"Today I picked up Bella from preschool, instead of the daycare bus. I guess you could tell this is not our usual routine, given that I was excitedly and vigorously waving at her while I was waiting my turn in the car lane"

At around 1:00pm
"Unfortunately my excitement about having lunch with Bella didn't last. She ate nothing, just played with her food, and dropped to the ground the smoothie I got her. So after using a significant amount of napkins to clean her mess, we left Panera in a hurry so I could drop her off at daycare. So much for my fun lunch date with her. I know my mom friends get how I feel..."

At 4:15pm I made my way to Sofia's school to take her to her piano lesson, and I was met by disappointment because she still wanted to stay in the after care and go outside and play. So she started complaining about "Why did I have to sign her up for Piano when I didn't even asked her", and "I don't even like piano anyway". 

Yep. It was that kind of a day with the girls.

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