Thursday, December 31, 2015

Vacation Day 11 - Happy New Year!

Before we officially closed out the year, the last picture was one that followed tradition - wishing everybody a Happy New Year. I hope that 2016 brings us, our extended family, and all our friends plenty of health, love, and everything else that we hold dear. On my end, I have also already made note of my New Year resolutions and hope I can really stick to them.

Vacation Day 11 - New Years Eve

Tonight we had our very last meal of 2015 at the Moerlein Lager house downtown. We were on the second floor, and the view was pretty amazing. But the best part of course was simply being together. I can sincerely say there was no other place I rather be than with my family!

Vacation Day 11 - Family New Years Eve Lunch

Today we started celebrating New Years Eve in the afternoon with a family lunch at Bravo. We knew my parents would not want to go out for dinner, and would feel more comfortable doing lunch. So we did! 

Vacation Day 11 - The Dentist

This morning the girls had their 6 month dentist cleaning appointment. When I made the appointment several months ago I was surprised to learn that they were open on Dec 31st, but I figured it was a good day to go. I knew I would be off work, so I could take them without rushing. Their dentist experience is definitely not what it used to be for us, so Bella was actually excited to go. 

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Vacation Day 10 - Special Visitors and Holiday in lights

Today was kind of a lazy day. I only went out once during the day to get some food and a few things for the girls for our ski trip in February. Isabel and Cesca came to visit the girls, which they were really excited about, but I forgot to take pictures of them. Fail! ... Then, in the evening, we went to Sharon Woods to see the Holiday in Lights. It is usually a lights display you drive through, but tonight you could walk and bring your dog. So we did. I think Zoey really liked it. She got to ride in the car and take a walk, two of her favorite things. It was cold outside, but not too bad. So the girls happily ran ahead of us, while Lionel and I walked with Zoey behind them. After the walk we went back home for dinner, and spent the rest of the night just chilling until it was time for the girls to go to bed. They have been really pushing it and going to bed late, so I am sure next week it will be a struggle for everyone.

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Vacation Day 9 - Family time at Cosi

Today we went to the Cosi museum in Columbus - it was Gabi's idea, and it was a good one. I thought we might end up paying an arm and a leg in tickets, but as it turns out we could get in for free with our Cincinnati's Museum Center membership. Sofia didn't want to go initially, because she dreaded the two hours in the car each way, but she had fun once we got there. Besides, I reminded them to bring a pillow and a blanket with them, in case they wanted to take a nap during the ride, so they were quite cozy and comfortable. The museum had a Lego exhibit, a section where you could generate energy by either running in place or riding a bike, and many other cool areas. They also had a high wire unicycle that Sofia rode. I made a video, but didn't have time to also take pictures. We didn't get to see the entire museum in the 3 hours we were there, so hopefully we can come back some other time.

Monday, December 28, 2015

Vacation Day 8 - Making teams

This afternoon we split into two teams. Lionel and Sofia went to see Star Wars, and Bella and I went roller skating per her request. After that we went to Yagoot, and went to buy food before we headed back home. We rarely split into teams, as we like to do things as a family, so I hope the girls liked their alone time with us.

Vacation Day 8 - More rain

Today is starting slow. Lionel's parents went back home this morning, and we are sitting around reviewing finances and making plans for the day. I also remembered this morning that after all my effort I didn't take pictures of Bella's clean room and the playroom, so I did. Bella followed me around and decided to be in the pictures giving me a silly (and probably not very sincere) thumbs up.

Sunday, December 27, 2015

Vacation Day 7 - Cleaning Day

Today I spent the whole day cleaning. Yes. Cleaning. All. Day. Long. Cleaning is never a fun activity, and it is very time consuming, but it HAD to be done. Bella's room was a mess, and it needed to be cleaned and organized. And the playroom was not far behind. So I cleaned and cleaned, but of course made the girls help as well. The good news (I guess) is that the weather was not the best. It was raining all day, so at least I didn't feel like I was missing out.

Vacation Day 6 - Taking it easy again

Dec 26,

Today we took it easy once again. I meant to get up to run with the running group at 8, but didn't set my alarm and woke up on my own at 8:48. Everybody was still sleeping and it wasn't raining yet, so I got up and went running by myself. I ran 6.2 miles around Mt Washington, where I used to run before we moved. Sofia had swimming practice, but she didn't go because she had growing pains. Instead, we all went out for lunch at First Watch. In the afternoon the girls continued to play with their Legos and other gifts from Santa, and Lionel and I went to watch a movie. We thought about making it a full date, also doing dinner by ourselves, while the girls had dinner with Grandma and Grandpa. But the girls really wanted us to come back and be with them, so we did.

Friday, December 25, 2015

Vacation Day 5 - Christmas gifts!!

Dec 25,

This morning the girls woke us up at about 7:45, all excited and ready to open their gifts. So we did. They got some really neat and mostly educational and crafty gifts, so everybody was happy. They did get a Kindle each, which parental controls to ensure they don't abuse them, which will be particularly good for when we go on a trip. After opening gifts we just took it easy all day. Everything is closed on Christmas day anyway. We should have made it to church, but I was tired and didn't really have the desire to first fight with the girls to get them out of the house, and then deal with the crowds. So it was a quiet day at home all around.