Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Vacation Day 10 - Special Visitors and Holiday in lights

Today was kind of a lazy day. I only went out once during the day to get some food and a few things for the girls for our ski trip in February. Isabel and Cesca came to visit the girls, which they were really excited about, but I forgot to take pictures of them. Fail! ... Then, in the evening, we went to Sharon Woods to see the Holiday in Lights. It is usually a lights display you drive through, but tonight you could walk and bring your dog. So we did. I think Zoey really liked it. She got to ride in the car and take a walk, two of her favorite things. It was cold outside, but not too bad. So the girls happily ran ahead of us, while Lionel and I walked with Zoey behind them. After the walk we went back home for dinner, and spent the rest of the night just chilling until it was time for the girls to go to bed. They have been really pushing it and going to bed late, so I am sure next week it will be a struggle for everyone.

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