Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Vacation Day 2 - New chores

Dec 22,

Today, on our way to Museum Center, my mom helped me finalize my thoughts about what chores the girls are going to have this coming year. I decided that I am going to give Sofia $6 and Bella $4 per week as their allowance IF they have good behavior AND do their chores. I figured I would give them an amount equal to half their age, and then round it up. Sofia is technically still 10, but will be 11 soon. So 5.5 rounds up to 6. They will have to save at least $1 every time they get their allowance, so they learn both to manage their money and save some of it.

Their chores go like this:

Sofia: Wash her clothes and put away the groceries when I come back from the store every week:
Bella: Set the table every night, put the place mats back where they belong, and take the trash out from the bathrooms.
Both of them: They are going to alternate vacuuming the hardwood floors. Sofia on Monday, and Bella on Thursday.

We wrote it all on a piece of paper we found in the car, and both girls signed their name. So it is official, with my mom as a witness!

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