Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Vacation Day 9 - Family time at Cosi

Today we went to the Cosi museum in Columbus - it was Gabi's idea, and it was a good one. I thought we might end up paying an arm and a leg in tickets, but as it turns out we could get in for free with our Cincinnati's Museum Center membership. Sofia didn't want to go initially, because she dreaded the two hours in the car each way, but she had fun once we got there. Besides, I reminded them to bring a pillow and a blanket with them, in case they wanted to take a nap during the ride, so they were quite cozy and comfortable. The museum had a Lego exhibit, a section where you could generate energy by either running in place or riding a bike, and many other cool areas. They also had a high wire unicycle that Sofia rode. I made a video, but didn't have time to also take pictures. We didn't get to see the entire museum in the 3 hours we were there, so hopefully we can come back some other time.

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