Friday, February 5, 2016

Costa Rica Day 2 - Quepo Canyoning

After breakfast, a group of us headed out to the 7-in-1 tour, at Quepo Canyoning. And we had a great time! We did zip lining, we rappelled down a waterfall, walked a tightrope, and did a "monkey drop". This last part was the scary one, but I did it, just like everyone else! The guides were very nice, and did a great job taking care of everyone. My favorite part was rappelling down the waterfall, which was very unique. I took my camera in a zip lock bag, because I knew we were going to get wet, so I was able to take pictures in a couple of spots. The guides also took pictures, which we were able to buy, but we don't have them yet. Once we do, I'll make sure we share those as well.

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