Saturday, February 6, 2016

Costa Rica Day 3 - 5 mile morning run

Feb 6,

This morning, at 6:00 am, I went running outside. I wanted to go out before it got really hot, but I mostly wanted to go early before there were many cars. I ran around town, which is small, so I ran back and forth a few streets. Like any place in Mexico, this little town is full of contrasts: Small, poor homes, next to really big ones. This little town has things that remind me of the places in Mexico where either I or my parents lived. It makes me think of where my dad grew up, because of the warm weather and the way the houses are built. It reminds me of where my mom grew up, because of the way the town smelled. I can't describe it, but it is a very particular smell. And it reminds me of Mexico in general, because of some of the flowers, the cars, the markets, and just the general way of life.

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