Thursday, February 4, 2016

Costa Rica, here we come!

It seems like yesterday that we agreed to go on this one trip, but it really has been months. And today Lionel and I are heading to Costa Rica with a group of people from our new neighborhood. The person organizing the whole trip is an uber planner, and we have some fun activities on the schedule, so I am sure we will have fun. Also, even though there are several group activities, we will also have time to do whatever we want. In my case, that will definitely include going on at least one long run. And hopefully also at least one trip to the grocery store, one of my favorite things to do when I go somewhere new.

I am really looking forward to seeing Costa Rica, since I have never been, and I am particularly excited that I did not have to move a finger to plan any of this trip. It is not that I don't like planning. It is just that I am always in charge of planning at work and it is nice to let others do it for a change.

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