Friday, February 5, 2016

Costa Rica Day 2 - Waking up

Feb 5,

By the time we arrived to the rental houses last night it was dark, so we couldn't really appreciate the vegetation or the view outside. But this morning we woke up to it, and as expected it is nice. The beach is not quite within walking distance, but you can see it from here. And there is this mango tree right next to the house that I can almost touch from our balcony which is perfect. I always tell Lionel and the girls that I want to live in a place where I can have an orchard in the backyard, so when I want fruit I can just walk right outside.

Besides the view it is nice to get up and not have to rush. Just sit here and enjoy some quiet time. 

This morning we are having a Chef come and prepare us a nice breakfast, and after that the adventure begins. We are going to go zip lining, and do other fun/scary stuff during the day. I am excited because it is stuff I have never done before, but I am also scared because physical activities outside of my comfort zone make me feel that way. When we are back, in the evening, we are going to get massages.Which is going to be an awesome way to end the day. Can't wait!

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