Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Marco Island - Day 4 - Sunset!

May 30,

I can't even describe how full my heart felt this evening standing right on the beach, watching and trying to capture the beauty of the sunset.

Marco Island - Day 4 - The outlets

May 30,

By popular choice, today we headed to the prime outlets about 1 hour away instead of heading to the beach. It was really hot outside, and the others thought it would be good to take a break from the sun and the sand. Plus Tio likes to shop. He can totally out-shop all of us.  Although I love going to the beach, I didn't resist too much because I thought it would be a chance to ensure everybody had something white to wear. Tomorrow or the day after we will go to the beach to enjoy the sunset, and I am hoping to get some nice family shots.

Marco Island - Day 4 - My future house

May 30,

When I am retired I want to live in a Spanish style house. It is going to have a roof made of orange terracota tiles, a nice courtyard with a fountain in the middle, plenty of beautiful flowers, and an orchard in the back. My vision on that is very, very clear. And it has been for a long time. This house, that I saw during my run, represents a lot of exactly what I want. My dream home may or may not be in Florida, but I know it exists somewhere and one day it will be mine.

Marco Island - Day 4 - 6 slow miles

May 30,

This morning, while everyone but Lionel still slept, I left the house to go running. It was already a balmy 77 degrees at 7:30 am, a bit warmer than Sunday's run, but there was no way I was going to miss my chance to go see the ocean. One of the best things about running in the morning is that you get to enjoy the beach pretty much all by yourself - no rushing, no crowds. There are usually a few runners and walkers, and the occasional wave or head nod, but for the most part everybody is quietly doing their own thing. 

When I got to the beach I decided to run right by the water, Vs turning back right away, which added about another mile to my total distance. It wasn't an easy part of my run, but it was totally worth it. Although I usually listen to music when I run, I took my headphones off and just listened to the ocean. 

I ended up running 6.28 miles, at a pace slower than usual,  and came back completely exhausted. In fact, that last mile I totally had to walk part of it. But I came back happy too. It is not every day that I get to enjoy both running and the ocean - the amazing ocean - at the same time. 

Monday, May 29, 2017

Marco Island - Day 3 - Evening Family Pictures

May 29,

Marco Island - Day 3 - More beach time

May 29,

Our goal for this morning was to get up earlier than yesterday and head to the beach before it was too crowded or too hot. Most of us did get up earlier, but then it took forever to get ready and by the time we made it to the beach it was 11:00 am. Since parking was full, Lionel and Raj dropped us off with all the stuff and went to look for a place to park. Gabi and I setup the chairs and umbrellas, and did a great job if I may say so myself. 

We spent a good couple of hours at the beach, during which the kids played in the water, Sofia and I took a walk and looked for shells, and Lionel helped Bella practice in a paddle board. The water was warm, so even I got in for a little bit. Adrian didn't love getting in the water, and sat in one of the chairs for a while, but eventually got up and entertained himself for a little bit playing in the sand.  

By 1 pm everybody was ready to go eat lunch, so we packed up our stuff - the least favorite part of the morning - and headed back.

Sunday, May 28, 2017

Marco Island - Day 2 - The afternoon

May 28,

In the afternoon we took naps, took it easy, and played by the pool before taking showers and going out for dinner to a local pizza place. To close out the day we also watched Zootopia at the rental home (or at least part of it). The kids stayed up late but that is Ok. We don't have to get up early tomorrow to go to school or to work. Yay!

Marco Island - Day 2 - The Beach!

May 28,

This morning - other than our run - everybody took it easy. The kids had breakfast and played on their electronics for a little bit before we headed to the beach. We were not exactly sure where the beach was, and parking was limited, so we ended up parking a little far. The good news is that the house we are renting had chairs and umbrellas to take with us. The bad news is that we had to carry them from the parking to the beach. 

The beach was somewhat crowded, but not too bad. We had no trouble finding a spot to put our stuff down. It is a true sandy beach, with clear blue/green water, and the water was warm. So I enjoyed standing there, getting my feet wet, and taking pictures of the family. I wanted to stay there longer, but Lionel and Raj wanted to come back to the house to have lunch and rest from the sun. So we did. But everybody promises that tomorrow we will get there earlier so we can stay there for a longer time.