Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Marco Island - Day 4 - 6 slow miles

May 30,

This morning, while everyone but Lionel still slept, I left the house to go running. It was already a balmy 77 degrees at 7:30 am, a bit warmer than Sunday's run, but there was no way I was going to miss my chance to go see the ocean. One of the best things about running in the morning is that you get to enjoy the beach pretty much all by yourself - no rushing, no crowds. There are usually a few runners and walkers, and the occasional wave or head nod, but for the most part everybody is quietly doing their own thing. 

When I got to the beach I decided to run right by the water, Vs turning back right away, which added about another mile to my total distance. It wasn't an easy part of my run, but it was totally worth it. Although I usually listen to music when I run, I took my headphones off and just listened to the ocean. 

I ended up running 6.28 miles, at a pace slower than usual,  and came back completely exhausted. In fact, that last mile I totally had to walk part of it. But I came back happy too. It is not every day that I get to enjoy both running and the ocean - the amazing ocean - at the same time. 

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