Monday, May 29, 2017

Marco Island - Day 3 - More beach time

May 29,

Our goal for this morning was to get up earlier than yesterday and head to the beach before it was too crowded or too hot. Most of us did get up earlier, but then it took forever to get ready and by the time we made it to the beach it was 11:00 am. Since parking was full, Lionel and Raj dropped us off with all the stuff and went to look for a place to park. Gabi and I setup the chairs and umbrellas, and did a great job if I may say so myself. 

We spent a good couple of hours at the beach, during which the kids played in the water, Sofia and I took a walk and looked for shells, and Lionel helped Bella practice in a paddle board. The water was warm, so even I got in for a little bit. Adrian didn't love getting in the water, and sat in one of the chairs for a while, but eventually got up and entertained himself for a little bit playing in the sand.  

By 1 pm everybody was ready to go eat lunch, so we packed up our stuff - the least favorite part of the morning - and headed back.

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