Sunday, April 19, 2020

Coronavirus Sunday

Apr 19,

This morning, as soon as I woke up, I jumped out of bed to go grocery shopping before the store got too busy. Wearing this mask is an absolute pain, and it makes me feel dirty and infected, especially since some people are still not following instructions and are walking around the store without one. So I didn't linger. I grabbed what I needed and got out of there as soon as I could. Some sections at the stores are still really bare, but luckily there is no shortage of food. 

Then, when I got home, I grabbed my sewing basket, an old pillowcase, and looked up instructions on how to make face masks at home for the girls. The picture I took of them illustrates exactly how they are feeling right now about this whole thing. Bella is still doing Ok, but Sofia is starting to struggle. She feels lonely, and is disappointed about all the school activities that got cancelled - including their school Chicago trip. That trip was scheduled for this coming week, and their lacrosse season would be happening right now, so it very present for her all the things she is missing out on. 

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