Monday, April 13, 2020

Home Schooling - Day 21 - Sofia's Birthday!

Apr 13,

It is hard to believe that so many years have gone by already, but today was Sofia's 15th Birthday. Having nowhere to go is not ideal, but she had a really good day. Bella made sure of it. First, after putting up birthday decorations, I helped Bella make waffles for breakfast and bring her breakfast in bed. We then made a special lunch, and baked the chocolate cake we usually make for birthdays. Her BFF Lena also stopped by for like 2 seconds to drop off a birthday present, and she did a Zoom call with her friends. 

She was comfortable all day in her shorts and a wrinkled t-shirt. I tried to get her to change, but she said she feel good in what she was wearing. She eventually changed to a nicer sweater for family pictures, but she changed right back.

The entire morning was gloomy, but the sun came out for a bit in the afternoon. At around 5:15 pm we took our family walk, and afterwards came back to cut cake with the family. Since we could not be together, we had 3 phones going to connect with grandma and grandpa, abuelitos, and tios.

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