Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Home Schooling - Day 33

Apr 29,

Today was supposed to rain all day, but luckily it did not. It did rain a good chunk of the day, but there were breaks in between that allowed us to walk the dog. 

My day started at 6:00 am with work meetings. I had set my alarm at 5:45, but the birds woke me up at 5:18. Bella woke up at about 7:30, and made cinnamon rolls from scratch. After breakfast everybody went their own way, to work and do school work. 

A bit before 6:00 pm we went on our family walk. I was afraid I would be cold, since it was only like 58 degrees, but my rain jacket kept me warm. And we had some nice views during the walk: Some grand old trees, lots of green grass, some pretty tulips, and even a cute little pig in a swing hanging from a tree in yard we passed by.

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