Saturday, April 11, 2020

Sabadito Alegre

Apr 11,

This morning I got out of bed at around 7:15 am. I woke up on my own after sleeping about 9 hours. I was so tired last night that I crashed as soon as I put my head on the pillow and turned the light off.

I decided to get up right away and go to the grocery store, before it got crowded. But first I walked Zoey for a few minutes. It was so early that the street was super quiet. Only us out and about.

It was a quiet day. After I came back from the store I did a couple of short yoga videos that I hadn't been able to do in a while. I felt super stiff, but at the same time it felt so good to stretch. We also did FaceTime with Emma and her mom, and the girls decorated the cookies Bella and I made yesterday. 

In the afternoon I took a well deserved and awesome nap before we went on our family walk. We also played a little bit of volleyball and Bella and I jumped on the trampoline. During our family walk we went by the house that prints a silly joke and puts it in their front yard. Today's wasn't very good, but it is nice that they make the effort. I also learned a thing or two about Ault Park as we walked by a sign I had never read before. 

We are closing the day watching  an old movie together: The father of the bride. This whole  situation with the Coronavirus is not ideal, but more family time is a good side effect.

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