Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Home Schooling - Day 22 - Blah

Apr 14,

Today was kind of a frustrating day at work. Nothing particularly horrible, but just plain frustrating. I even forgot to take a picture of the breakfast Bella made me: A yummy waffle from the ones we made yesterday.

The highlight of the day was probably Bella making me a "#1 Mami" badge, since working a lot makes me feel like anything but that. We also took our family walk at the end of the day, although Sofia could not come because she was in French class. 

During dinner the dog took her usual spot under the table, leaving me very little room for my feet. For some odd reason that is her favorite spot. She also participated in our balloon playing session. She is always around when we have balloons, and we can not tell whether it is because she loves them or hates them.

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