Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Home Schooling - Day 32

Apr 28,

Today there was plenty of bickering during the family walk. After hearing people argue all day at work, that is the last thing I needed. It was all about dumb stuff, each girl complaining about the other one getting to choose the direction in which we were going. Dumb. Dumb. Dumb. It was still a good physical exercise, and it was nice to go outside after sitting at the computer all day. It was probably the warmest day we've had yet, or at least that we've had in a while. 

After the walk Bella and I finally brought some of our plants outside. Let's hope it will not freeze again, or they will die. My hydrangeas also are finally showing signs of life. I was starting to think they just died.

We also played a little bit of tennis, although that included some bickering as well. Sigh.

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