Friday, January 7, 2011

The little things...

The other day Bella was playing downstairs when all of a sudden she started to say: "Tissue. Tissue". This basically meant we needed to wipe her nose. Both Lionel and I were in the middle of something we couldn't just drop, so we told her to hang on. Next thing we knew, she had already walked over to the restroom, opened the door, turned the light on, grabbed a tissue, and cleaned her nose - to the best of her ability - all on her own.

This evening she started to say: "Pupi. Pupi", which of course meant she needed to go poop. She then walked to the bathroom, pulled her pants down, and with the help of a plastic stool climbed onto the toilet and sat down.

As adults these are things we do every day without even giving it any thought. However, for somebody who just turned 2 these are pretty major milestones.

We are proud of you Bella and are excited to continue to see you grow.

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