Thursday, January 13, 2011

My Book

Tonight I was very excited to go get the mail.

In the last couple weeks of December I was really looking forward to making my last blog entries of the year. A few months before I had decided that I would print all my 2010 entries and make them into a book. 

So I spent time putting together the collage that would become the front page, and selecting the one picture of the girls that would be in the back of it. I carefully wrote the dedication, selected the colors, and anxiously reviewed it again and again to make sure it did not have any mistakes.

Tonight I finally received it and I must say it turned out great! It felt wonderful to have it in my hands.

Hopefully one day my girls will like looking at it and either remember those good old times or, if they have forgotten, to re-learn who we all were back in the day.

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