Saturday, January 29, 2011


Bella is at that stage when she wants to attempt everything that Sofia does. In some cases she succeeds, in some others not so much. This morning, during Sofia's tennis class, she insisted on standing right next to the other kids and holding her racket as if she was really having a turn. The good thing is that the coach did not seem to mind. Neither did Sofia, and I was also happy to see her standing there Vs having to chase her all over the place. Not that she really stood there for long. Soon enough she dropped the racket and managed to sneak underneath the curtains to leave the tennis court. Typical, typical Bella! Good thing that Lionel was also there so he could go after her while I stayed behind and helped pick up the balls.

Someday she'll also get to play. She just has to be patient and wait until she is a bit more coordinated and can at least keep her eye on the ball.

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