Sunday, January 9, 2011

Sofia and the frog

Sofia really surprised me earlier today. When we arrived for her swim lesson her teacher asked her if she wanted to see their new pet.

“Did you get another dog?”, I promptly asked, looking forward to seeing their cuddly, furry new friend.

 “No”, she said excitedly, “We got frogs!”.

Eeewww, I thought. That's not at all what I had in mind. But Sofia was interested so we headed to her teacher’s office to see the little creatures. Once there, Sofia asked if she could hold one. Guacala! Yikes!

“Sure”, said her teacher. She then opened the door of the small aquarium and reached in to grab one of the bigger ones.

I thought Sofia would change her mind as soon as she touched the slimy little guy, but she stood there happily holding on to it for a few minutes.

I was standing right next to her, so all along all I could think of was "Please, God, don't let it jump on me or I'll freak out”.

Luckily it did not, and it did stay still long enough for me to take a quick picture before the teacher put it back.

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