Sunday, January 23, 2011

Sick of being sick

There are good reasons why I am not a big fan of winter. For the last four days I've been feeling like crap. It never fails. Every year I get sick at least twice, if not three or four times. I always get a bad cold that lasts, and lasts, and lasts. If I am lucky it eventually goes away on its own. If I am not, it becomes a full blown sinus infection that takes extra time and medicine to treat.

Once again I spent my weekend wiping my nose every two seconds, struggling to breath, and with no energy to go out with Lionel - even though we had a baby sitter lined up - or really enjoy my time hanging out with the girls. So now my weekend is over and I am still sick, tired, miserable, and very much not ready to go back to the grind.

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