Friday, January 28, 2011

Tennis night

Tonight Sofia was not home for dinner. She really enjoys playing tennis, so I signed her up for a Friday night event at our healthplex that included playing tennis, pizza, and watching a movie.

I picked her up around 5:15pm, we then went to get Bella at the daycare, and made it to the healthplex right at 6:00pm. The tennis courts were already crowded, and another mom told me that in total they had about 50 kids signed up. Since I had Bella with me we could not stay long. We said our good byes fairly quickly: Sofia gave us a hug,  grabbed her racket, and happily ran to her coach. Even though she appeared so comfortable staying by herself, as we were heading out part of me wanted to go back and check on her. But I did not.  We kept rushing to the car, before Bella insisted on getting down and starting to play.

Arriving home without Sofia at the end of the day felt really weird. I guess I simply felt incomplete. Even though Bella was playing around and talking to her toys, the house felt so quiet ... and during dinner I really missed having her sitting down right next to me.

But now it is almost 9:00pm, and Lionel already went to pick her up. So she should be home any minute. I just hope that she really had fun.

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