Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Go Beys Go

Many people say they gain weight during vacation. I, on the other hand, think we all will go back home somewhat lighter - if not the same. This morning, for instance, Lionel, Sofia and I played tennis while Bella stayed on the sidelines. The four of us then spent some time at the pool before having lunch and taking a much-needed nap. Then, in the afternoon, Sofia and I went on a walk/bike ride for an hour and a half. We then met up with Lionel and Bella at one of the playgrounds before heading back home. Afterward Sofia still had energy to go to the beach, so Lionel took her for a little while. Needles to say the girls were exhausted by the time they made it to bed, and I'm kind of struggling right now to stay awake. So good night to me, that is it for today!


Going on a trip with somebody other than your spouse and kids, whether it is with extended family or friends, has its pros and cons. The pros are easy, as you are in good company, you have another set of eyes watching the kids, and if you are renting a house you also get to split the chores such as cooking and cleaning up. The cons, on the other hand, usually come in the form of a little bit of stress. If your kids are misbehaving you wonder if the others internally - at least for that moment - hate your guts, especially if you can't get them to stop. If your kids are not eating and somebody else cooked, you wonder if that someone will get offended, and if they will flat out tell you something the next time your kid jumps on your lap during dinner time.

I do find that over time, if you are traveling with the same people over and over again, you get over some of the above. You are never completely immune, and probably neither are they, but you learn to let the small things go.

The biking loop

Sofia was very excited to once again, just like last year, go rent some bikes. The first day we didn't have time, and the second day we showed up when they had already closed. But even though we did not have a bike for her just yet, that did not prevent her from talking our ear out, and talking about her bike every chance she had. If you think there's only so much you can say about a bike then think again - that little girl is a real chatterbox. She talked about where we were going to get it, how we were going to get there, what type of bikes we were going to rent, who was going to ride with whom, where we were going to go, and at what time we were going to come back. And just when we thought she was done with the subject, she started all over again.

Today we finally got her bike, and with that, some peace and quiet ... If only for a little while.

Good night sleep

In general, I sleep anywhere between 5.5 and 7 hours at night. When I only sleep 5.5 I am somewhat tired the next morning, but once I'm up I manage to get through the day. When I sleep between 6 and 6.5, which I really, really try, I feel Ok. But when I manage to sleep 7, I truly feel great.

Now, on vacation, I have managed to sleep way more than that. I have slept between 7 and 8 hours every night, and I am even taking naps. Part of the reason is that we are doing plenty of stuff in the sun, but I think the other part of it is that for a while I have been needing the extra rest, so my body is just catching up. Either way, I am glad to finally be able recharge.

The circle of life

The beach is quite the interesting place to be. Even if you are not there with any intentions to do people watching, you end up doing it all the same. I, for instance, can't help noticing all the different body types. Maybe it is because after having two kids my body is not what it used to be. So during our very first day at the beach I noticed - at least - all of these:

The babies and toddlers like Bella, who no matter what they wear, and no matter how white their skin is with all the layers of sunscreen their parents put on them, they look happy and cute.

The young children like Sofia, still cute in their own right, whose bodies are no longer as clumsy, and who are happy to run around, jump up and down, and crash into the waves.

The children who unfortunately, at such young age, already have a bad start by being severely overweight.

The teenagers, whose bodies have clearly not gone through any major stress yet and who, whether are there with family or friends, are already doing what they can to stand out, to look their best.

The single people in their twenties, still in pretty good shape.

The moms, many of who - like me- have lost the baby weight but still have a belly to prove that yes, once upon a time a baby lived there. Some - also like me - chose to wear a swimsuit that covers the belly because we wouldn't want anybody staring at it and wondering why in the world would we do that to ourselves. But then again, there were the other moms who still chose to wear a bikini because they felt like it, and I couldn't decide if I applauded them, or if I was mortified for having to look at them.

The people in their 50s and 60s who know they have a lot of years behind them and as such, it is only obvious their bodies have seen better days. They no longer seemed as preoccupied with how they look like, maybe because they know that at this point they don't need to impress anybody, and it is what it is.

The older grandmas and grandpas, doing their best to keep up with their grand kids while they can because they know that one of these years they may no longer have the strength to make the trip, and instead of experiencing it for themselves they will just have to look at pictures, hear all about the trip, and remember that once upon a time, it all started with them.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

The Rush

Call me a softy. Call me a loser. Tell me that I have zero vision. But still, that will not change my mind. I see nothing wrong with the fact that my 2 year old still doesn't know how to read, or do math. She is TWO for crying out loud!! Of course she can't do any of those things. That will come later in life.

Lately there have been so many articles about parents paying ridiculous amounts of money to get their kids into elite preschools, getting them tutors, worried that if they don't do that, their little tots will have a bad start in life. That's right, if they don't do this their kids won't have a chance. They will forever be behind!!

I'm really not trying to make fun of anybody. I know different things work for different people, but on this one I simply can't relate. It truly makes me wonder: What is the rush?!?

I think kids need to be kids, and at least get to enjoy a few years without all the pressures that inevitably will come as they grow. So maybe our kids can indeed learn how to read, and do math, and even science at a very early age. Maybe they can be done with college by the time they are 15. But then what? What is the point?!? Is the point that they will have to work for many more years than we do now? That's kind of depressing if you ask me, considering how much I work and how little time I have for fun stuff. Is the point that we will live through them, because they will get to do many things we never did? Or is it more about bragging rights, and being in a position to say: "Hey, take that! My kid is much brighter than yours"?

I just don't get it. This mad rush is certainly not for me. Of course I want my kids to grow up to be happy well-adjusted individuals, but that will come with time. For now I am not interested in fast forwarding through these sweet, innocent, and wonderful years.
I am really more concerned with being there for them, right by their side, because whether they are the next president or not, I love them with all my heart.

Road Trip

Spending hours upon hours on the road can be extremely boring. Sometimes you may even feel like you will never get where you are supposed to be. But also, there is something extremely relaxing about it when you start a long drive after a hellish or plain busy week. After all, when you are in the car you can't clean your house, do laundry, or address the many other chores that are always present when you are at work or at home. And since there is nothing you can do about any of that, your only choice is to relax, let go, and stare at the road.

I find that road trips are also the best way to re-acquaint yourself with music you haven't heard in a while. I, for instance, don't have the luxury of sitting around during the week and putting on music that I like. I do listen to the radio on my commute to work, but more often than not I just listen to the local radio station that sometimes plays good songs and other times not so much. But on long road trips you pretty much have to go through all your play lists, unless you want to listen to the same thing over and over again.

If you are lucky enough to be traveling with someone you like, you can also have some good chatting time. A group of girls may talk about every subject under the sun, a couple may talk about their life plans, and a group of guys may spend hours talking about their favorite sports. And if you are traveling by yourself, who cares? At least you get some valuable quiet time.

So road trips are not so bad. They can be exhausting for sure, but there's something to be said for getting out of the routine.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Last day of school

It is hard to believe but yesterday was Sofia's last day in kindergarten. It feels like it was just yesterday that we were taking pictures of her very first day, but in reality 9 months have passed and she is now a more grown up, more confident little girl.

I am very excited for her summer break, and hope she enjoys every minute of her summer camp.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Bye Bye K

It is hard to believe, but this coming Wednesday - yes, in two days! - is already Sofia's last day in kindergarten. Last Friday she learned who her new teacher will be for 1st grade, and what kids will be in her classroom with her. Unfortunately none of her current classmates, none of the neighbors, and not her one friend from daycare will be with her. When she told me that I got somewhat concerned, but she seemed to be Ok. So I let it go. Maybe she is becoming more social and not knowing anybody truly is Ok with her. I sure hope so, and I sure hope she makes tons of new friends.

Betrayal and Redemption

At School Sofia wrote the following, definitely her father's child.

But she then also redeemed herself by writing this the very same day. I also refuse to go to sleep unless I absolutely have to, and as a mom I really strive to take care of my kids.

Friday, May 20, 2011


Today Sofia looked like a little "fashionista" with the outfit she chose to put on. She made me think of a super innocent version of Carrie Bradshaw.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Good play, bad play

This past Sunday I took my mom to the theater, courtesy of a coworker who could no longer attend. The play we went to see wasn't really much of a play, but more like a show with six women singing their hearts out, to music from the sixties. "Beehive" was the name, and I think it is fair to say that both of us had a really good time.

Today I went back, but this time with my sister and two friends, to see an actual play. I wish it had been good but it was boring, some parts were confusing, and one of the characters was so annoying that she was stressing us out, and we simply could not relate.

It was still nice to go out and have some girl time, but I wish we had gone to see something else.


This afternoon I was in a meeting with three other guys: two peers, and a more senior one. Five minutes before the scheduled end time I announced I needed to start heading out, as I had to make my way to my last meeting of the day. The senior guy then asked the other two if they could please step outside, as he had something he wanted to discuss with me. Up to that point the tone of the meeting had been pretty light, so my peers and I chuckled a bit, thinking it was just a joke. After he clarified he wasn't really kidding, my peers left the room but I stayed put, wondering "And now what?"

I suspected he might give me bad news, like the fact that he was leaving, that he had learned there was a major problem we would have to resolve, or even worse, that I unsuspectedly may have done something wrong.

Turns out, it wasn't any of the above. He just wanted to take the time to let me know he recognized and appreciated all my hard work, and that he was happy about all the energy I was bringing to the team, all the results they have already seen, and all the exciting things coming ahead that with my help they could already foresee.

For someone that works so hard, and so many hours as me, it was really, really nice to hear.

No mas diapers

Last night, after her shower, Bella refused to put a diaper on for the very first time. She hasn't been wearing diapers during the day for months, but she always wears one to sleep. Since in the morning she is mostly dry, and we have to go through this process anyway, I decided to just go with it. And it looks like at least this time, she stayed dry all night.


Sofia told me yesterday morning that one of her friends gave her a headache because she kept asking her the same thing over and over. It was funny to me how annoyed and offended she seemed by it, considering she does that very same thing to me EVERY SINGLE DAY.

Sunday, May 15, 2011


Today Sofia found a book with stickers of fairies that somebody gave her for her birthday a while back. Later in the day, when we were in the car, she asked: "Mommy, are fairies real?"

"No, they are pretend. They are just make-believe", I said.

"But ... then ... does that mean that the tooth fairy is not real?", she replied, with a tone of real disappointment in her voice.

Crap. I thought. She has been patiently waiting for her first tooth to fall so she can leave it for the tooth fairy underneath her pillow, so I needed to make a comeback.

"Well ... ", I said without turning back to she wouldn't see the lie on my eyes.

"When I was a kid the tooth fairy would definitely leave stuff for me, so I think that one is an exception. That one MUST be real", I concluded.

"Yeah", she replied. "You are definitely right!"


Bella is still quite the danger to herself. Yesterday she first tried climbing the fence, and she then let go of the swing with one hand, doing a flip, and luckily landing on the ground without getting hurt. Needless to say, she scared the crap out of me. Then, during shower time, she put a ridiculous amount of shampoo and conditioner in her hair. Ok, so maybe that last thing wasn't really dangerous but still, it is definitely more proof of her crazy, crazy ways.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011


Yesterday somebody at work betrayed the trust a colleague put on them, and I got dragged along. I guess in part it was my own darn fault for putting myself in a position that allowed them to use my opinions against me. Nonetheless, what this guy did was pretty despicable in my book, and made me think of a Mexican singer that always sang about how much she hated men, and how much of a disappointment they were. I do not really hate men, but I thought it would be fun to revisit some of what she had to say about them.

Rata inmunda 
animal rastrero 
escoria de la vida 
adefesio mal hecho 

espectro del infierno 
maldita sabandija 
cuanto daño me has hecho 

culebra ponsoñosa 
deshecho de la vida 
te odio y te desprecio 

Rata de dos patas 
te estoy hablando a ti 
porque un bicho rastrero 
aún siendo el mas maldito 
comparado contigo 
se queda muy chiquito 

Maldita sanguijuela 
maldita cucaracha 
que infectas donde picas 
que hieres y que matas 

culebra ponsoñosa 
deshecho de la vida 
te odio y te desprecio 
Me estás oyendo inútil 
hiena del infierno 
cuanto te odio y te desprecio! 

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Bad Day

Today I had a really bad day at work. It started well, but it went downhill very quickly in the afternoon. Funny thing is, today Sofia brought this book from school:

Monday, May 9, 2011

Shrinking Territory

Once upon a time Sofia's entire universe revolved around me. She depended on me to eat, to change her diapers, and did not sleep unless she was in my arms. She then became a happy but shy toddler, still eager to be around me all the time. Now, at age six, she can hardly wait to come home from school and go right back outside to play with the other kids.

This morning she was happy to have me walk her into her school ... until she ran into one of her friends and decided that she did not need me to walk her to her room after all.

I wish I was still Sofia's #1, but at least my consolation is that Bella still prefers to hang out with me.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Dia de las Madres 2011

Today was mother's day in the US and my mom, me and Gabi - the mother to be - celebrated it as it should be: with our loved ones around. The rain also finally stopped, and the sun even came out for a little while. Some were more tired than others, and the service at the restaurant was a little slower than we would have liked, but the food was really good, and we all hang out together until the very end. Despite Gabi's protests, who just like Lionel thinks taking pictures is kind of a pain, we also took couple family pictures outside the restaurant, before everybody went their merry way.

Self Portrait

Hotel View

This week I spent 3 nights at a hotel in downtown Cincinnati for a work event. Being at a hotel so close from home was weird, but it was for a good cause. The entire days were nonstop, and even though I did not get to enjoy it that much, I had a pretty decent view.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Play Room

After a lot of hard work, this weekend we also finished the girl's new play room. We are very happy with it, and so are they. We know they won't be keeping all their toys in there, and it probably won't stay as clean as it is now but still, that is their very own space.