Tuesday, May 31, 2011

The circle of life

The beach is quite the interesting place to be. Even if you are not there with any intentions to do people watching, you end up doing it all the same. I, for instance, can't help noticing all the different body types. Maybe it is because after having two kids my body is not what it used to be. So during our very first day at the beach I noticed - at least - all of these:

The babies and toddlers like Bella, who no matter what they wear, and no matter how white their skin is with all the layers of sunscreen their parents put on them, they look happy and cute.

The young children like Sofia, still cute in their own right, whose bodies are no longer as clumsy, and who are happy to run around, jump up and down, and crash into the waves.

The children who unfortunately, at such young age, already have a bad start by being severely overweight.

The teenagers, whose bodies have clearly not gone through any major stress yet and who, whether are there with family or friends, are already doing what they can to stand out, to look their best.

The single people in their twenties, still in pretty good shape.

The moms, many of who - like me- have lost the baby weight but still have a belly to prove that yes, once upon a time a baby lived there. Some - also like me - chose to wear a swimsuit that covers the belly because we wouldn't want anybody staring at it and wondering why in the world would we do that to ourselves. But then again, there were the other moms who still chose to wear a bikini because they felt like it, and I couldn't decide if I applauded them, or if I was mortified for having to look at them.

The people in their 50s and 60s who know they have a lot of years behind them and as such, it is only obvious their bodies have seen better days. They no longer seemed as preoccupied with how they look like, maybe because they know that at this point they don't need to impress anybody, and it is what it is.

The older grandmas and grandpas, doing their best to keep up with their grand kids while they can because they know that one of these years they may no longer have the strength to make the trip, and instead of experiencing it for themselves they will just have to look at pictures, hear all about the trip, and remember that once upon a time, it all started with them.

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