Saturday, May 28, 2011

The Rush

Call me a softy. Call me a loser. Tell me that I have zero vision. But still, that will not change my mind. I see nothing wrong with the fact that my 2 year old still doesn't know how to read, or do math. She is TWO for crying out loud!! Of course she can't do any of those things. That will come later in life.

Lately there have been so many articles about parents paying ridiculous amounts of money to get their kids into elite preschools, getting them tutors, worried that if they don't do that, their little tots will have a bad start in life. That's right, if they don't do this their kids won't have a chance. They will forever be behind!!

I'm really not trying to make fun of anybody. I know different things work for different people, but on this one I simply can't relate. It truly makes me wonder: What is the rush?!?

I think kids need to be kids, and at least get to enjoy a few years without all the pressures that inevitably will come as they grow. So maybe our kids can indeed learn how to read, and do math, and even science at a very early age. Maybe they can be done with college by the time they are 15. But then what? What is the point?!? Is the point that they will have to work for many more years than we do now? That's kind of depressing if you ask me, considering how much I work and how little time I have for fun stuff. Is the point that we will live through them, because they will get to do many things we never did? Or is it more about bragging rights, and being in a position to say: "Hey, take that! My kid is much brighter than yours"?

I just don't get it. This mad rush is certainly not for me. Of course I want my kids to grow up to be happy well-adjusted individuals, but that will come with time. For now I am not interested in fast forwarding through these sweet, innocent, and wonderful years.
I am really more concerned with being there for them, right by their side, because whether they are the next president or not, I love them with all my heart.

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