Wednesday, May 11, 2011


Yesterday somebody at work betrayed the trust a colleague put on them, and I got dragged along. I guess in part it was my own darn fault for putting myself in a position that allowed them to use my opinions against me. Nonetheless, what this guy did was pretty despicable in my book, and made me think of a Mexican singer that always sang about how much she hated men, and how much of a disappointment they were. I do not really hate men, but I thought it would be fun to revisit some of what she had to say about them.

Rata inmunda 
animal rastrero 
escoria de la vida 
adefesio mal hecho 

espectro del infierno 
maldita sabandija 
cuanto daño me has hecho 

culebra ponsoñosa 
deshecho de la vida 
te odio y te desprecio 

Rata de dos patas 
te estoy hablando a ti 
porque un bicho rastrero 
aún siendo el mas maldito 
comparado contigo 
se queda muy chiquito 

Maldita sanguijuela 
maldita cucaracha 
que infectas donde picas 
que hieres y que matas 

culebra ponsoñosa 
deshecho de la vida 
te odio y te desprecio 
Me estás oyendo inútil 
hiena del infierno 
cuanto te odio y te desprecio! 

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