Saturday, May 28, 2011

Road Trip

Spending hours upon hours on the road can be extremely boring. Sometimes you may even feel like you will never get where you are supposed to be. But also, there is something extremely relaxing about it when you start a long drive after a hellish or plain busy week. After all, when you are in the car you can't clean your house, do laundry, or address the many other chores that are always present when you are at work or at home. And since there is nothing you can do about any of that, your only choice is to relax, let go, and stare at the road.

I find that road trips are also the best way to re-acquaint yourself with music you haven't heard in a while. I, for instance, don't have the luxury of sitting around during the week and putting on music that I like. I do listen to the radio on my commute to work, but more often than not I just listen to the local radio station that sometimes plays good songs and other times not so much. But on long road trips you pretty much have to go through all your play lists, unless you want to listen to the same thing over and over again.

If you are lucky enough to be traveling with someone you like, you can also have some good chatting time. A group of girls may talk about every subject under the sun, a couple may talk about their life plans, and a group of guys may spend hours talking about their favorite sports. And if you are traveling by yourself, who cares? At least you get some valuable quiet time.

So road trips are not so bad. They can be exhausting for sure, but there's something to be said for getting out of the routine.

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