Thursday, May 19, 2011


This afternoon I was in a meeting with three other guys: two peers, and a more senior one. Five minutes before the scheduled end time I announced I needed to start heading out, as I had to make my way to my last meeting of the day. The senior guy then asked the other two if they could please step outside, as he had something he wanted to discuss with me. Up to that point the tone of the meeting had been pretty light, so my peers and I chuckled a bit, thinking it was just a joke. After he clarified he wasn't really kidding, my peers left the room but I stayed put, wondering "And now what?"

I suspected he might give me bad news, like the fact that he was leaving, that he had learned there was a major problem we would have to resolve, or even worse, that I unsuspectedly may have done something wrong.

Turns out, it wasn't any of the above. He just wanted to take the time to let me know he recognized and appreciated all my hard work, and that he was happy about all the energy I was bringing to the team, all the results they have already seen, and all the exciting things coming ahead that with my help they could already foresee.

For someone that works so hard, and so many hours as me, it was really, really nice to hear.

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