Friday, June 3, 2011

Big Belly

Sometimes, when I walk by a mirror and catch a glimpse of myself, I think I look four or five months pregnant. It doesn't happen all the time, as it depends on what I'm wearing and my good or bad posture, but when it does it is a bittersweet thought. I know it will never happen again, and my lifeless belly lifeless will remain, but I like remembering when i was pregnant and how happy I was to be able to go everywhere with my girls. I loved feeling them move inside me, and spending time wondering how would they look like and how would their voices sound. Being pregnant doesn't come without challenges, but no one can deny it is truly an amazing thing.

Aug 2008 - Pregnant with Bella

Sep 2008 - Pregnant with Bella
Mid Sept 2008
My Birthday 2008

My last picture being pregnant, before Bella came 3 weeks early

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