Saturday, June 4, 2011


Bella is at that stage where she just wants me. She wants me to give her a bath, brush her hair, brush her teeth, put her to bed, feed her, help her find her toys, etc.  You name it, but if she wants something then it has to be ME.

This was even more acute during vacation, probably because she was in a different place and out of her routine. Even though they offered, she did not want grandpa or Lionel to play with her at the beach. She loved being in the water, and feeling the waves gently push her back and forth, but she had to do it holding on to me. And when it was time to leave it had to be me who carried her when she had trouble walking on the lumpy sand. One day she even cried for ten minutes in the car because she had to go with Lionel while Sofia and I rode our bikes back to the house.

On one hand it is nice to be preferred, but on the other hand it can really be a pain. I can't do anything for more than five minutes (tops) without being interrupted and more often than not I have to get up, when I just sat down, while Lionel sits there comfortably, playing with his iPad, or watching TV. I do feel bad when Bella refuses to go with him, but at least he is benefiting from it in a way.

So it is tough to go through this stage, but we already did it once and I am sure we can do it again.

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