Friday, June 10, 2011

Day of firsts

Today was Sofia's very first field trip at her summer camp. Since we live so close to her school, it was also her very first time riding a yellow school bus. In the morning, since we were right in the nick of time, Isabella and I took her to camp first even though she usually comes with me to drop Bella off. As I was parking the car she told me "Mami, if you want I can walk in all by myself" ... another first. I am not sure if she offered because she knew that getting Bella out of the car is always an extra step, or because she is really starting to feel like a big girl. Either way I had to sign her in, so we all went in.

When I picked her up it sounded like she really had a good time, even though she managed to peel some of her skin off on her left arm. I guess it happened when she was going down a slide. Although it is just a small spot it looked really bad but she was not making a big deal out of it  - yet another first.

I am very excited to see that she is really enjoying the summer, the way that it should be.

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