Saturday, June 4, 2011

Little Divas

It is amazing how early in life girls develop a desire to choose what they are going to wear, what they want on their hair, and what shoes they do or do not like. Both my girls started to have a preference for all of the above before they were even two years old. The other day Bella even told me she didn't want to wear a particular swim suit because she had just worn it the day before, which wasn't even true because she had worn it even earlier in the week. But the point is that she remembered wearing it recently, which in her mind made it ineligible to be worn again anytime soon.

I never hear similar stories from moms who have boys. Their challenges appear to have more to do with putting on clean clothes ... and keeping them on.

I guess girls must have a natural sense of style. I know that later on they might develop a strong preference for very specific and probably expensive brands. But at least for now they wear whatever I buy.

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