Sunday, February 12, 2012

Poor Daddy

Wherever I go, the girls always want to go with me. Earlier today we had enough errands to run to get ready for vacation that Lionel and I had to go our separate ways. Neither one of the girls wanted to go with him, so of course drama ensued. Since right now there is no reasoning with Bella Lionel told Sofia that he would toss a coin.  If she won she could go with me, but if she lost she had to go with him. Poor Sofia lost, and as soon as she saw the coin she wailed, and started to yell at Bella that it was NOT fair.

Lionel was understandably annoyed, and so was I. I felt bad for him because he is always the second pick, but I also felt bad for Sofia because she likes to hang out the three of us, just girls. At the end she calmed down, and of course ended up having a good time. In fact, when I was putting them to bed she included "hanging out with daddy" as one of her favorite parts of the day.

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