Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Vail - Day 1

Today we managed to successfully make the trek from Cincinnati to Vail without any meltdowns on Bella's part. It took some dedication, patience, and good planning on my part, and even though we came close during the drive from Denver to Vail, she finally fell asleep. Unfortunately she only fell asleep like 15 minutes before arriving in vail, but even that short nap gave her enough energy to make it through checking in, getting the boots and skis, registering for ski school, having dinner, and eventually going to bed.

Renting the boots took a while, and turned out that Bella's feet are still so small that they simply didn't have rental boots in her size. That meant we had to go to yet another store, and we ended up having to buy her some boots of her own. Given that she is going to use them for four days only, and most likely they will not fit her next year, it seems like a giant waste. But we didn't really have a better choice. Since we already came all the way out here, not putting her in ski school seems like an even bigger waste. Of course getting her little feet in those boots was a complete pain. Her feet might be short, but they are also very chunky still.

It had been a very long time since I came to Vail last. The last time I came with Lionel was before I was even pregnant with Sofia, so it probably was 8 or 9 years ago. Some things have changed from what I remember, but it is still a very nice and quaint little town. Wherever you look the views are amazing, and I like that there are people from all over the place. Just today I even saw several Mexican families, which was refreshing because they were also here on vacation, Vs serving the rest of us.

Tomorrow it will be my first time skiing in all those years, so I am not really sure how that is going to go for me. I hope it goes well. After all, I did well the previous time around.

For now it's time to sleep.

Bella's first flight ever

When we finally arrived

Walking to ski school

At ski school
Bella pretending to blow the candles

Around town

Trying to put Bella's ski boots on

Bella's new ski boots

Dinner time

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