Saturday, February 25, 2012

The Return

Usually coming back from vacation means going back to normal, to the routine. However, our first week back in Cincinnati was anything but normal.

On our drive home from the airport Lionel got a speeding ticket - one of the last things we needed with two tired kids in the back. Then, since Bella came back with a nasty cough and was running a fever on Monday night, I decided to stay with her on Tuesday and work from home. By Wednesday she seemed as good as new -mostly, so I went back to work. However, later in the day I got a phone call from daycare because Bella stuffed a small rock in her ear, so all four of us ended up spending all afternoon at the Children's hospital. On Thursday night I was supposed to host Friends night, but Lionel needed some quiet time. On Friday night, to close out the week, we went to pick up our two new dogs.

Needles to say, by this morning we were all kind of wiped out.

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