Friday, February 17, 2012

Vail - Day 3

I am exhausted once again. Lionel said I did well, even though he could tell my body was still tense. Of course it was tense! He has been doing this since he was Bella's age, but I learned to ski as an adult which means fear will most likely always be there. The girls, on the other hand, don't seem to be plagued by fear. Sofia moved another level up, and although Bella did not, she also did well. The teachers said she can't move up because she doesn't know how to stop yet. When we learned this my and Lionel's first thought was that she probably doesn't care to stop simply because she likes speed.

Tomorrow Sofia gets to take the lift for the very first time. Bella still gets to ride the "magic carpet", and I get to enjoy the view while in the lift and while taking breaks from skiing here and there.

Waiting for the bus


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