Saturday, February 18, 2012

Vail - Day 4

I am exhausted once again. I skied my little heart out with Lionel and his Dad, and even made it to the back bowls before lunch. I did fall couple of times, but nothing happened other than the struggle of getting back up. I didn't even get embarrased at all. In fact, it is actually nice to just lay there in the snow for a few seconds, taking a well deserved break.

Tomorrow Lionel and his Dad were planning on taking me to new places, and even to ski an easy black, but instead I am staying behind and spending the day with Bella. She was not happy staying at ski school today, and really hasn't made much progress in the last few days. Sofia has jumped a level every day, but Bella has stayed the same. And since she is so little, there is no need to keep her there. We will give it a shot again next year, but for now she is spending the day with me and grandma. I actually think that is a good thing. Monique has spent the last few days by herself while we were all skiing, so it will be nice to keep her company. That also gives Lionel the opportunity to go skiing wherever he wants, without having to baby sit me the entire day. And that gives me time to walk around town, which I was hoping to do anyway. Sofia will still go to ski school, because she is liking it a lot and tomorrow at lunch time she may even jump another level up. Lionel is also planning on catching her before the end of her class, so they can ski together for a few minutes and he can see first hand all the progress she has made.

So the plans for our last day in Vail have been laid out. We will enjoy the activities and the scenary before it is time to get back home.

Sofia's accomplishments
Done for the day with ski school

Waiting for our table

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