Saturday, December 13, 2014

Bella's Christmas Show 2014

Yesterday morning was Bella's 3rd and last Christmas show with her class. She did it in her first year of preschool, then in her second, and now as a Kindergartener. And since only her current teacher hosts a Christmas show, that means this was Bella's last one. Sofia thought she wouldn't be able to come, so I didn't expect to see her there, but her teacher told her it was fine if she wanted to.

The kids danced about 7 songs, representing different countries. They danced to "Feliz Navidad", their signature dance, and they also danced a Tango, a Chinese Song, an African song, and a few others.  Unlike the previous years, this time around Bella did sing and dance, Vs just standing there with a blank stare for most of the dances.

The girls had to wear a white shirt and a full skirt, and Bella chose a red skirt that she had from last year. Unfortunately I didn't realize how short it was until I saw her standing in the stage. Oops! I guess she did get tall after all.

Once the show was over the kids came over to see their parents - or special visitors - and handed us a gift they made for us: A notes holder with a reindeer theme. By then Sofia had to go back, and Bella was able to linger a little bit and have a snack before getting in line and going back to the classroom. Unfortunately she was disappointed that I couldn't take her with me - since I had to go to the office - and had a bit of a meltdown as I was saying good bye. Her poor teacher literally had to peel her away from me, which of course was an awful way to end such a special event.

One of the other moms saw what happened with Bella and came over to talk to me and tell me - for what is worth - that sometimes her son did the exact same thing. Turns out she was the mom of Bella's dance partner, who apparently has a crush on her. She told me her son said Bella was the prettiest girl in the class, and that when she asked him what he liked about her, he said it was her hair. And when she probed further, asking what is it exactly about her hair that he likes, he said "It is so shiny!". I told Bella this later, and she half smiled, and half rolled her eyes. But she did enjoy looking at the videos Sofia and I made of her performance. She doesn't know it yet, but these will be really, really special to her one day.

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