Friday, December 26, 2014

Christmas Eve 2014

Last year my Dad was sick and couldn't come over, which was very sad, but this Christmas Eve the entire family was here. This time around Bella was recovering from a cold, and Lionel was in the middle of one as well, but they both managed to hang in there overall. Adrian, the newest family member at only 5 months old, was too tired to stay awake past 7 pm. But we managed to get him in couple pictures before he went to bed.

After dinner we watched Bella's videos from her Christmas show, let the kids play the piano for couple minutes, and opened gifts. The girls also took a picture with Elfie Chica, since it was her last night with us for the year, and left milk, a cupcake, and a note for Santa Claus. Bella then said that [for once] she was going to stay in her bed all night because she didn't want to risk scaring Santa Claus by walking to our room in the middle of the night.

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