Friday, December 26, 2014

Christmas Day 2014

This Christmas Santa Claus was generous once again, and brought the girls the look-alike American Girl Dolls they wanted so much, along with couple doll outfits and some great books. The girls were excited opening their presents, and started playing with the dolls right away. The books were left behind in the living room - shadowed by the excitement of the dolls - but we will get to enjoy them together at night time, before the girls go to bed.

Later in the morning I insisted on going to church. My mass-attendance track record this year was pretty awful, but at least for Christmas I wanted to be there. Lionel stayed home because he still wasn't feeling well, but my mom, Raj, Gabi, the kids and I went.

We had some great and some challenging times throughout the year, especially with work, but we have so much to be thankful for. This year I am particularly aware of friends who are either fighting a disease or taking care of a loved one who is. So more than ever I am deeply and incredibly grateful that overall we are all in great health.

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