Saturday, December 13, 2014

To give is to receive

This year it was my turn to put together a team to organize the Holiday event for one of my communities at work. As part of our event, my team also organized a fund raiser to buy Christmas gifts for 55 local students. We got them all wrapped, delivered, and this past Wednesday one of my team members and I went to the school to witness the gifts being delivered. When we were there I talked for a little while with one of the coordinators of the Boys and Girls Club at the school, and among other things learned that about 70% of the kids at that particular school receive some sort of assistance because of their family's low income. 

So yes, the kids got gifts thanks to the money we collected. But I think we got an even bigger gift by knowing that we made a difference, and because they reminded us of how lucky we are to be living the lives we have.

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