Sunday, February 4, 2024

Abuelita’s Birthday

Jan 28,

This week I made a flash trip to Cincinnati for my mom's birthday - leaving Thursday and coming back Saturday evening. My parents are not super big on celebrations in general, but they were happy I came to visit. Since I do like celebrating, I made sure that at least I got a cake (a good cake from Servatti). Sofia called my mom during the day to wish her a happy birthday, and in the evening we did Facetime with Bella and my sister to sing Las Mananitas.

On Friday I had to work, but we spent Saturday morning together before I had to head back to the airport at about 2:30pm. My mom and I went on a long walk, we went to the Starbucks they like, stopped by Coffee Emporium to get Bella and Lionel a slice of coffee cake, and had lunch together.

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