Sunday, February 25, 2024

The weekend

Feb 25,

We came back from Vail and straight to work and school the next day. While we quickly unpacked, all the laundry and putting stuff away was left for the weekend. So this weekend there was plenty of laundry and catching up to do. Lionel also came back with a cold, so he had less energy than usual. Bella and I were also tired, but we don't like staying home all day. And the weekends are the only times we can go explore the city. So on Saturday we went to check out a pasta place, and went to Lincoln Tavern for lunch - her choice. I worked out both days, and on Sunday morning I took the girls for a bit of a longer walk.  Then, in the afternoon, we went out for lunch and got Cheryl, who was coming back from her vacation. And that was that. Then it was time to buy food for the week, make dinner, clean, walk the girls again, and get ready for the week.

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