Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Vail - Day 6 - And then there were four

Feb 20,

Today was our last day of skiing. Since Sofia had left already, and Claire left early in the morning, there were just 4 of us left for skiing. Bella started the day very sad because Claire had left,  but managed to be in an okay mood for most of the day ... until dinner time. At dinner she started to get really stressed out about going back to Boston, and it if was up to her she would fly back to Cincinnati, but unfortunately that is not going to happen.

Tonight we are packing, and tomorrow we leave the rental apartment at 7:30 am so we don't risk being late for our 11:50 flight back "home". At least hopefully Bella will be happy to see Kika and Zoey, and to sleep in her own bed. 

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